This house is what I build whenever I move I like this design because you can fit a little garden in the front
About Server: Server IP can be found at: About the lag. yes there was lag at the time but not anymore
Music: 1)Handheld Hero 2)sabreTF 3)Together Songs from The 8Bit Collective URL: Texture Pack: DokuCraft Tags: How to build an AWESOME House!(Minecraft) THE JESUS DANCE
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Nice texture pack,it makes the sand look cool
@Animalize97 They’re all in the description bud
whats the song
and how u get those torches!!!!!!!!
cool man i like corce its notin compared to the awesomest one you should really see it man
man can u give urself stuff?
whats ip cant find it on your website
What is the title of the song from 6:30??????????PlS!!!i have to know>.
@Kazulin45 its just a sign no plugin
@nekudarkenxRikuxXxda xd sorry there was a limit on length
What plugin is the sign sale thing you put on the house up front ?
@BlueShiftXD Help on your server….? I fell off of a cliff, died, and now whenever I join the server, I instantly die and blackscreen.
i would know what to do if u didnt speed up the video -_-
@gokuss4046 Handheld Hero
make more
is is a AWESOME HOUSE!!!
omg i had a heart attack at 1:04! wats this song called?
@minecrafter47855 Fraps
I use DxTory these days
@PersianWarriorPGO Description
what is the cam ur useing to make this video
what texture i know its doku but i cant find a 1.0 pack link please
it would really help me out if you guys could come check out my video on how to make a epic house
Also dude this video is really good!
What’s the title of the number from 6:35?
I Love The Texture Pack I Widh i Knew How 2 Install Them